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Diabetic Gangrene Treatment

Where allopathy fails there Siddha Starts - Dr.Muthukrishnan

Diabetic Gangrene Treatment

Gangrene localized death and decomposition of body tissue, resulting from obstructed circulation or bacterial infection. Gangrene is caused by a critically insufficient blood supply (e.g., peripheral vascular disease) or infection. It is associated with diabetes and long-term tobacco smoking. This condition most commonly occurs in the lower extremities (legs and feet).

Types Of Diabetic Gangrene

  • Dry Gangrene
  • Wet Gangrene
  • Gas Gangrene
  • Fournier Gangrene

Population of Diabetes Gangrene Patient in World

World diabetes prevalence. It is estimated that 415 million people are living with diabetes in the world, which is estimated to be 1 in 11 of the world's adult population. 46% of people with diabetes are undiagnosed. - Source : Diabetes.Co.Uk
The number of people with diabetes has risen from 108 million in 1980 to 422 million in 2014 (1). The global prevalence of diabetes* among adults over 18 years of age has risen from 4.7% in 1980 to 8.5% in 2014. - Source : World Health Organisation

Lifespan of Diabetes Gangrene Patient After Amputation

Patient survival 2 years after amputation of the second lower extremity was 62% and at 5 years 31%. Average survival time was 3.2 years. The average survival time in diabetics was only 2.0 years as opposed to 7.38 years in non-diabetics. Thus, the survival of diabetic patients was significantly shorter (p < 0.01) - Source : Science Direct

World Expenditure For Diabetes Gangrene

The mean spending for the amputation procedure itself was $14 088 (95% CI, $13 898-$14 278) per patient. The regions with the lowest mean spending on amputation-related hospitalization were Lebanon, New Hampshire ($8368 [95% CI, $6076-$10 659]); Meridian, Mississippi ($9408 [95% CI, $7333-$11 484]); and Bismarck, North Dakota ($9541 [95% CI, $6382-$12 700]). The hospital referral regions with the highest mean spending on the amputation procedure itself were Paterson, New Jersey ($22 725 [95% CI, $12 859-$32 590]); Rapid City, South Dakota ($25 448 [95% CI, $3605-$47 292]); and Salinas, California ($30 039 [95% CI, $12 195-$47 884]). - Source : Jama Network

Siddha Treatment by Dr.Muthu Krishnan for Diabetic Gangrene

Dr.Muthukrishnan treatment contains minerals, arcenics, metals which are processed in many ways to act very faster like the intensive care treatment of allopathy

The minerals and siddha arcenics like Navapashanam are properly ditoxified, purified and then prepared as a medicines. For Diabetic Gangrene treatment, this Katta Khalangu medicines were formulated by traditional method only. So as siddha says if this Khalangu medicines is prepared properly will treatment nearly 4448 types of diseases. Here Dr.Muthukrishnan formulated and prepared this Kayakhlpha medicine for various type of Diabetic Gangrene seprately.

The medicinal value of Lord Muruga Statue at Palani was made up of Navapashanam and it was prepared By Saint Bogar 1000 years before. Its curative fame was well known by the world. Even the Abishaega water treatments as the Holly Water.

DISCLAIMER :* This Treatment Will Vary From Person to Person *